JobsLive 2016 Event
This year, we were delighted to attend the Jobs Live 2016 Event at Coventry University. I joined forces with the lovely Ann – a superb recruitment consultant from Katie Bard – and AM CityGrad’s very own and ‘very brummy’ marketing guru Rakesh. The campus networking event was a huge success and we loved talking to the all the inspiring graduates. To see such a high turn out was delightful. The constant crowd of students surrounding our stall was the theme across the day. In fact we were that popular that every last sign up form was completed. But who needs paper sign up forms these days when you can sign up online:

It’s fantastic to see that AM CityGrad has really caught the imagination of students, graduates and employers. Without doubt, the favourite part of my job is interacting directly with you our student and graduate users. The feedback and enthusiasm that you have shown has been nothing short of fantastic. In fact, sat next to me as I write this is a large pile of sign up forms, all from determined and passionate students looking to kick start their career. I can not wait to see how each one of you imprint your own unique identity into your CityGrad profile. I’d like to say a huge thank you to Coventry University and their excellent careers team for inviting us along. The event was amazing and it was a delight to attend. Additionally I would like to say a massive thank you to every student that took their time to speak with us.
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